On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 01:39:24PM -0400, Glenn Becker wrote:
> Hi,
> I have lived w/o a printer both at home and at work for some time now. If
> I need anything printed I've done so from a Mac or Windows PC. Probably
> sheer laziness.
> Now, however, I want to do a bit of self-publishing (poetry), and I'm
> losing the printer tied to the Mac at home, so I will soon need to explore
> printing from my Debian box.
> As you can tell, I'm utterly clueless - what kind of a printer should I
> get? I'll be printing mainly formatted text documents (whether formatted
> in something like Abiword or something else, I haven't decided).
> Will any PC-compatible printer do? What are the considerations, here?
> Thanks in advance,

there are two kinds of printers: postscript and non-postscript.  

postscript printers are very easy to get working, and provide good

non-postscript printers are a complete and total pain in the ass to
get working, if they can be made to work at all.  many models cannot
be made to work.  

Ethan Benson

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