
        I don't have Debian on my workstation in the office yet (currently
only has win2000 on the first 10GB and FreeBSD 4.3-Stable on the next 10GB,
and haven't gotten Debian on the last 10GB) however I do have XF86 4.0.3
working rather nicely  on the Nvidia GeForce2MX 32MB card we order'd the
system with... Didn't really do much special other than running xf86cfg,
but would be willing to send you the configuration privately if you contact
me Monday AM when I'm in the office as it's a pain to get into the machine
from outside...

        Jeremy T. Bouse

HANS-HENRIK FESTER was said to been seen saying:
> Hello,
> Has anyone succeeded in installing Debian on an ATA100 controller. Actually, 
> it did install, but I can only boot with a floppy - because it won't install 
> lilo - (as i have win2000 on the 10 first Gb). By the way, does anyone know 
> how to install XFree86 4.0.2 that supports my geforce2mx. It always comes 
> with errors when trying to run 'startx', even if it does install.
> Thank you
> Michael

|Jeremy T. Bouse, CCNA - UnderGrid Network Services, LLC -  www.UnderGrid.net |
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