On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 08:32:01PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
> mkinitrd  ...
> or take an existing initrd.gz file...decompress it
> into /dev/ram  or /dev/loop
> than change the kernel to your version, add your libs/commands
> and other stuff you want in the initrd to make your system
> bootable
> and compress that /dev/loop image into  your_initrd.gz   and add that
> as your initrd image in lilo
> or so goes the simplified 3-line howto...

um, point the way or name the doc, if you would.

> either way...you need to make sure you have minixfs and /dev/ram enabled
> in your kernel to be able to create initrd files


> i created a full system in about 2.5Mb that expands into 8-16Mb of 
> linux hierachy that runs in memory ( /dev/ramxx )
>       ( put that on a 4Mb flash and you've got a nice firewall ?? )

ding ding ding! you've got my attention... that's almost
precisely what i'd like to accomplish. can you do that with

> you can try tomsrtbt too but, its bash is too small as is its libraries

do you have a more fleshed-out documentation trail of making a
uncompress-onto-ramdisk-during-boot system?

Wondering how to find WHICH PACKAGE CONTAINS x-y-or-z? Just enter
"dpkg -S part/of/path" and you'll get a list of all packages that
affect paths like that. For an example, try "dpkg -S http".

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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