On Tue, 08 May 2001 20:05:20 MaD dUCK wrote:

> figure out which mail it is (i.e. which index), then telnet to port
> 110 of your isp and delete it yourself with the following command
> sequence (this is POP3):
> %> telnet mail 110
> USER username
> PASS password
> DELE 35
> you can use RETR 34, RETR 35, RETR 36, etc. before to make sure you
> are deleting the right message.

Except you'll then try to download the 200k email. try using top instead
of retr. It'll get the headers plus a bunch of lines of the message.

e.g. "top 34 10" will get you the headers and 10 lines of text from
message #34.

You may also want to try "LIST" and "STAT" to find out what's there.

Most pop3 servers will respond with a list of message number/number of
bytes in message to "LIST".

34 39519
35 979
36 979
TOP 34 1
<headers confirming that this is indeed the spam I want to delete>

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