Robin Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I have installed KDE successfuly but 
> when I launch kppp, after the connection 
> has bein established, I received this
> message :
> dead unexpected of the daemond pppd 
> code returned 1.
> However pon runs fine.
> Can someone me some ideas on this matter ?
> P.S. I join my PPP-logfile
> -- 
> Gerard
> May  6 04:09:15 debian pppd[380]: pppd 2.3.11 started by robi, uid 1000
> May  6 04:09:44 debian pppd[380]: Serial connection established.
> May  6 04:09:44 debian pppd[380]: Using interface ppp0
> May  6 04:09:44 debian pppd[380]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
> May  6 04:09:56 debian pppd[380]: local  IP address
> May  6 04:09:56 debian pppd[380]: remote IP address
> May  6 04:09:56 debian pppd[380]: primary   DNS address
> May  6 04:09:56 debian pppd[380]: secondary DNS address
> May  6 04:10:45 debian pppd[380]: Terminating on signal 15.

'man pppd' and then look for the section "Exit Status".

Signal 15 means the other end was not responding to echo requests, i.e.
like a 'ping'.  The only reason I can think of at the moment why the
other end would not respond to outgoing echo requests is that your
default route was not set correctly.  (Maybe there are other reasons.)

In your kppp 'Setup' section go to the tab marked Gateway and make
sure the box is checked for 'Assign the default route to this gateway'.

If you type '/sbin/route -n' you will see your routing table.  After
the ppp connection is made (and before it dies) you should see an entry
in the routing table marked (the default destination) on
interface ppp0 pointing to (to use your example).

If that entry is not there then that is your problem.

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