
yes I_am_familiar with setting up sound on Linux. Basically, my problem is - 
there is not a sound card as such. It's an onboard sound thing - which means 
there is simply a motherboard and a few sound out/in ports on the back.

I don't know how to setup onboard/sound/video, the motherboard doesn't 
exactly say what model it is - so what should i do?

On Friday 11 May 2001 12:15, ktb wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 12:16:43PM +1000, Renai LeMay wrote:
> > hi guys,
> >
> > I would like to get the on board sound card on my compaq presario 2415
> > working. I've been looking on the net for about an hour, and can't find
> > any documentation on what driver to use, how to set it up etc.
> >
> > If anyone could give me a hand on pointing me to some docos that would be
> > great.
> Do you know what kind of sound card it is?  If not take a look on the
> motherboard.  Once you know the card take a look here -
> http://users.bart.nl/~patrickr/hardware-howto/Hardware-HOWTO.html
> Then recompile your kernel adding sound support for the card.  Once you
> know what card your dealing with and what you have tried, post back for
> more help.
> kent

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