On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 10:58:17AM -0400, Steve Barr wrote:
> Searching through the archives I found this message.  Exactly what I want to
> accomplish, but I can't get it to work.
> I installed procmail and copied the recipe to /etc/procmailrc.  Then I sent
> myself a test message, the attachment still came though as .vbs.  If I copy
> /etc/procmailrc to ~/.procmailrc and send myself a test message it works.

yep. you got it.

> I must be missing something somewhere, but I haven't found anything
> searching the FAQs and various lists.  Any suggestion on where to look for a
> solution?

it's all right in front of you -- it's just buried in exim-speak.
you hafta learn how to grok the lingo...

> # This director runs procmail for users who have a .procmailrc file
> procmail:
>   driver = localuser
>   transport = procmail_pipe
>   require_files = 
> ${local_part}:+${home}:+${home}/.procmailrc:+/usr/bin/procmail
>   no_verify

the director, which matches the exim default setup, tells exim
        check for username
        check for user's home dir
        check user's home dir for .procmailrc file
        check to be sure /usr/bin/procmail exists
and if so, then run the user's own home-grown recipes.

if there's a system-wide procmailrc file under /etc, this snippet
is irrelevant to it (and vice versa, no doubt). what this does is
look in your own personal home directory for ~/.procmailrc and
then it runs the instructions there. /etc isn't considered.

i think. :)

How can you generate RANDOM EMAIL SIGNATURES? Many email clients
have this feature -- for mutt, simply declare in your ~/.muttrc
file something like
        send-hook debian- "set signature='~/.signature-debian |'"
(note the quoted value ends with a 'pipe|' symbol) Then whenever
you send email to any debian-* address, it'll append the output
from your script, instead of appending a static file.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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