On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 11:50, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> When I reinstalled ME the last time, I partitioned the HD and put
> Libranet on the other 1/3.  Not that anybody ever boots into it, but
> it's there; my mom would use it if I would sit down and teach her how
> (time is the problem), but my dad, even though he's taking a
> Unix/Linux course this semester (he's going back to school to get his
> programming degree), is scared of my computer and of the Linux install
> on his computer.  Wish I knew how to get him to like (or at least
> *use*) Linux, but I don't. :(

If he's taking his programming at all seriously, the Visual C++ compiler
is a great tool to use... for getting him to switch to Linux. :)
Actually, if he's too scared of ditching Windows outright, Cygwin is a
great tool. It'll give him a little bit of Linux heaven in an otherwise
hellish MS environment. And since it comes with g++, he can start
compiling programs that work right while he's still in Windows. Then,
once he's had a chance to get familiar and comfortable with how Linux
functions, he can try running a full blown Linux distro. Since Cygwin
now supports XFree86, he can actually get a chance to get used to the X
desktop while still using Windows, so when he first boots up a Linux
distro he should feel more or less at home. :)

Alex Malinovich
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