I purchased a Epox 8KTA3+ with 850 Duron from my local Fry's.  Install was no
problem, but now when I went back to finish ripping my CD collection, the
ripping speed went from approx 1X down to .3X.  The only reason I am asking on
this list is because right after I installed the board, I downloaded the latest
kernel at the time and compiled it (as anyone would have done).  The upgrade
was from 2.2.18 to 2.4.2.  The compile and install went without a hitch.  So
now I am wondering what would cause the transfer speed to drop so dramatically
on my CDROM reader (marked 48X, for what that's worth).  Any one have any


"I call Christianity the *one* great curse, the *one* great intrinsic 
depravity, the *one* great instinct for revenge for which no expedient
is sufficiently poisonous, secret, subterranean, *petty* -- I call it
the *one* mortal blemish of mankind."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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