On 15 May 2001, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 11:22:29AM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
> > noah writes:
> > > I changed my mind when I saw that it depends on GNOME crap.  Can't I
> > > install a browser without installing a fscking "desktop environment"?
> > 
> > Yes.  Galeon, for example.  "Gnome libraries" != "Gnome desktop
> > environment".
> Not in my book.  I'm not about to install "libglade (wich is used to
> build the interface), libxml and every other standard gnome
> library" (quote from the galeon INSTALL file) just to get a browser.
> Even if it is a good browser.
> noah

My own feeling exactly. But I've been pleasantly impressed by skipstone
thus far.


Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
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