On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 04:51:15PM +0000, Victor wrote:
> Well, Ethan,
> I tried the same solution and it worked but, let's face it, it's a somewhat 
> makeshift solution!
> Is there anyone out there able to give the right hint? 

whether it's the _right_ hint...
I'm no gimp guru, have hardly understood printing in general but if you
insist... well i can always make things up:)

Some time ago I stumbled when trying to get gimp to print.  So I dived
into the source and found that the gimp prefers lpr above lprng.
Those two print daemon packages have a slightly different output
format for "lpstat -d -p", and gimp can't parse the output of lprng's.
The disadvantage of this is that gimp doesn't know that there are
printers on your computer, so all he offers is output to file.  You
can specify what kind of output is to go into the file with the setup
button, but that's it.

There are however two ways out:

1) use lpr instead of lprng, start gimp, select some printer, and go back
   to using lprng, or
2) edit the file ~/.gimp-1.1/printrc and put some magic lines in there.
   Next you'll have to start the gimp, and select with the file-button
   on the print dialogue a print queue, and use the setup button to
   change the driver to use and some of its params.

As an example, two of lines of what I used for approach 2 look like:

bw,/usr/bin/lpr -Pbw 
dj500,/usr/bin/lpr -Pdj500 -l,pcl-500,,0,300 

The above two lines tell gimp there are two print queues named bw and
dj500, to use the command "/usr/bin/lpr -P.. -l" to print, and to use
the drivers ps and pcl-500 respectively, with some specified default
values.  The important thing I think is to fill in the right queue
name and print command, and to use gimp's setup button to select the
appropriate driver and its default values.

good luck.

groetjes, carel

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