On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:56:14PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> >I'm trying to link to my agenda (through the serial cable).  But it won't 
> >work

I had to do a double take...thought I was on agenda-user?

> >because when I try to start pppd, it gives me an error (ppp line not 
> >disciplined
> >).  I was checking my kernel output, and I noticed that my serial ports are
> >ttyS00, and ttyS01 (instead of the ttyS0 and ttyS1 they used to be).  Could 
> >this
> >be the problem?  The dev files are still ttyS0 and ttyS1, which might be my
> >problem...
> If the Agenda is anything like a Palm, you don't use pppd.  You use things
> like coldsync and pilot-xfer.  Agenda's website says that they use
> Quicksync, so I'm guessing it's a degenerate HotSync (Palm's sync
> protocol).  As for the ttyS01/ttyS1 issue, go with the canonical ttyS1.
> The ttyS01 that you see in dmesg outpt is valid, but is pretty much
> deprecated outside kernelspace.

I think he's actually asking why his COM1 is ttyS00 and not ttyS0.
Sorry I cannot explain why this would be???  I have three COM ports...
ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2....something like that.

Actually, you can use pppd.  Here is a sample line I use...

/usr/sbin/pppd -detach crtscts lock local novj proxyarp passive \ /dev/ttyS0 115200 noauth local

Mark Hurley

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