Well I've got a 'solution' :-) The reason I didn't use any floppy is simple
because they are most of the time broken, old, etc...not very reliable.
But if you don't have any bandwidth, stick with the floppy :-)

I downloaded the complete Debian ISO and burned it on a CD, then bought a
crappy ATA 50X cd-rom drive for $30. The reason that I did this was that the
ATA drives are really plug and play AND bootable! I think on every pentium u
can boot with this kind of drive. Now I only plugged it to my OLD P133 and
ready to go!
No boot floppy's, corrupted files, missing sectors etc...
Before I used 'windoos 98' bootfloppy's to get CD-rom support and then
booted Debian from DOS. With the Crappy ATA drive  you're the king :)

I hope it helped u a bit :)
Good luck!

> Hello guys!

> I am new to Debian Linux. After downloading files from BASE-i386 and
> DISK-i386 directory, i've tried to install debian.  I typed INSTALL  and
> the install.bat file run. After loading some modules, I am stuck to the
> the following message:
> Kernel Panic : VFS : Unable to mount root on FS on 01:00
> What have I missed?  Please help!
> Thanks and more power.
> Arnold

* J a n  E n n i n g
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