Let me explain what I have done, so far.  Then I will explain my

I want to set up separate partitions on my box for tracking Woody
(Testing).  So far, I have created a new partition for / (/dev/hda11)
and cp'd everything from my current / partition to it.  At the moment, I
am still using my original partitions for /var, /tmp, /usr, /usr/local,
and /home.  Once I have everything working and before I upgrade to Woody
I will make new partitions for /usr and /usr/local.  I plan to use the
same partitions for /var, /tmp, and /home for both Stable and Testing. 
Is this acceptable?  Should I make separate partitions for these, as

Now on to my problems:

1) I can't get Netscape Communicator 4.77 to load if I boot to my new
partition.  Opera will load and get its home page, but Netscape gives an
error that says something like "Unable to determine my name. 
Aborting."  and then it just dies.  Did I do something wrong when I
copied over my files from my current / directory (including /etc)?  What
have I missed?  Any ideas?

2) If I boot to stable and then run df everything is fine.  The output
shows /dev/hda1 mounted on / as it should be.  I can then mount my new
partition (/dev/hda11) and run df again and it still displays everything
correctly.  If I boot to Testing, however, and run df it shows that
/dev/hda1 (NOT /dev/hda11) is mounted on / even though the stats that it
shows are correct for /dev/hda11.  If I mount /dev/hda1 (Stable /) on
/mnt and run df then it shows both / and /mnt as containing /dev/hda1
(but does show the correct stats for /dev/hda11 and /dev/hda1,
respectively).  Is this a problem?  What happens when I create and mount
new partitions for /usr and /usr/local which will be /dev/hda12 and
/dev/hda13?  Will they not show correctly,either?  How do I correct
this?  Having df not show the correct partition name worries me.
Marc Shapiro                         "If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    you will live to be 150 years old,
Please visit "The Meadery" at:       unless your wife shoots you."
http://www.bigfoot.com/~m_shapiro/   -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
                                     Little Hungary Farm Winery

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