> On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 07:04:08PM +0800, Corey Popelier wrote:
> > This won't be a good answer, but I had a friends machine with an IDE drive
> > on /dev/hda, and a SCSI drive on /dev/sda, and wanted to boot off the
> > SCSI. I also got that LILO warning, and got around it by unplugging the
> > IDE drive, booting, running lilo, then plugging it back in again and
> > booting again. Everything worked fine.
> > 
> > I'm positive theres a better answer, but if you can utilise this temporary
> > measure it might work.
> >
> Yep, that is exactly what I am trying to do.  But I don't want to open
> the box and remove the first hard disk - it will void my warranty as the
> computer guy who installs my hardware has put stickers on the case to
> prevent this.

What kind of crap is that?? Is he trying to tell you HE has to do any
additional installation (e.g. new videocard) for a ridiculous amount
of money?? 
> Can I boot hd1 and then chroot to the hd2 root partition or something
> like this.  Sorry I am a newbie.

Well, my prior post accomodates the situation that the now hd2 will be
hd1 - which for you have to open the case if you really want to boot
off that drive (or your bios can do that). That'll work (did it couple
times upgrading my harddrive...). Otherwise (not being able to
physically access the drive) you should take a look in the latest lilo
(unstable, don't remember the version), which shows a little menu at
startup and gives you the power to boot off any drive/partition after
lilo has been configured correctly. THEN you'd need NOT to add the
bios-parameter (see my last post).

Oh, and don't forget to make at least one partition of the second
harddrive bootable. Otherwise it may not boot at all (no system found
or so message at startup) because the bios wants at least to see
something to boot. This doesn't have to be the actual boot-partition,
because lilo takes over before the bios gets there.

A little confusion, yes, but I hope it helps.

Tschoe,                    Get my gpg-public-key here
 Jens                     http://gecius.de/gpg-key.txt

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