I have now managed to get dial-in access to work. Unfortunately
being a MS-shop, they run Windows NT and the like. And to allow
me to dial in, I've been issued with a Win2000 laptop (where I
don't have any administrator privileges).

They support dial-back - and I would like to make use of it from
Linux. Essentially, when Win2000 dials up, it pops up a dialog
box asking whether they should call me back, and if so, on what

I managed to dial in using ppp/chat and everything works well.
Excepth that I'm paying for the call.

It looks like I need something that implements the Microsoft (!)
Call Back Configuration Protocol.  According to the pppd man page, 
exit code 14 should indicate that Callback was negotiated. But I 
can't find any other mention of callback anywhere... Even
/usr/share/doc/ppp/examples/scripts/chat-callback doesn't do
what I want, as I need to give a username/password BEFORE they
dial me back.

I tried dialling in using minicom, and I end up at a Cisco 3620
Access router. Looks quite interesting, but I haven't managed to
get the thing to call me back.

I found a few web pages describing exactly that problem - but
they all talk about ppp 2.3 and I'm using ppp 2.4.1-1. So I
assume that the cbcp patch has been applied already. Is that
assumption correct?

Has anybody out there got experience with this sort of thing?
Obviously I'm doing something wrong, so I'd appreciate it if
somebody could gently prod me in the right direction.

PS: Please CC me in on replies, as I'm not subscribed to
Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
If it is a Miracle, any sort of evidence will answer, but if it is a Fact,
proof is necessary.
                -- Samuel Clemens

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