On Thu, 24 May 2001 10:07:18, Smruti wrote:

> Hello
> I am a new user of LINUX, & want to install Debian-LINUX in my system. I 
> already have windows-98 in my system. I have a 20GB hard disk partitioned 
> into 4 Drives. I want to install LINUX in one of my pre-exixting 
> partitions(e,g : D/). How can I do it? Can I install it in D:\ without 
> disturbing the windows-98 which is in c: drive? Do I have to repartition the 
> hard disk while installing Debian-LINUX? If I succeed in installing how can 
> I swith between operating systems?
> Please help me in these matters.

For a good reference on how to set up your machine for dual-boot, see the 
document at:


It is quite detailed, will explain all the necessary steps for the 

Paul T. Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-currently seeking employment-

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