MaD dUCK wrote:

> also sprach Mike Egglestone (on Thu, 24 May 2001 07:00:44PM -0700):
> > Which platform of hardware would be best?
> > G4 from apple
> > Pentium something from somewhere
> is that a serious question???
> the pentium has nothing to say against the G4. period. moreover, CISC
> is just pittyful compared to RISC.

Do you have any benchmark tests to back this up?  I tend to agree with the CISC
over RISC comment but I've never run any tests on a working machine.

I've got a Pentium 4 on my desktop machine here and I love it.  I can build a
kernel in about 2 minutes and everything runs very well, but I don't have any
numbers to back this up.

I've also got a server with 2 pentium 3 1G processors in it, also lightning

Recently I put my hands on 10 Briqs from Total Impact.  They've got a PPC
[EMAIL PROTECTED] inside.  The only problem I've had with them (other than
installation which was, shall we say, a learning experience) is that the sources
for the kernel aren't as stable for the PPC as they are for the i386.  There
have been some other source trees mentioned (BenH's) that I haven't had a chance
to try out yet.

Anyway, that's my story.


P.S. does anyone know of some benchmark tests I could run to compare these

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