On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 05:49:17PM -0500, Michael Marziani wrote:
> What's the fav sniffer for you Debian gurus?  Whether a .deb, source, or
> whatever, what is the most versatile and all-round best sniffer that is
> available?  Thanks!

karpski's got a nice GUI on it which actually makes it more usable instead of
just getting in the way, but lately I've been playing with ngrep and it seems
to have good potential.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL++++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI++++ D G e* h r y+

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