I too have got a problem that's bugging me sometime now. Whenever I
  try to compile a kernel, or uncompress some big file, arbitrary characters
  get inserted in some files, leading to parse errors.
  For example, If I start compiling a kernel, it ends with a parse error.
  I check out, and find a ' or J inserted somewhere. I remove it, start
  compiling again, only to find another ' or J somewhere else.
  Another example: If I try to do a apt-get install <something>,
   then, a parse error in /var/lib/dpkg/status or /var/lib/dpkg/available
   occurs. Somewhere ' or J gets inserted, leading to parse error.
   I remove them, only to find them somewhere else. Now, I have got a cron
   job running every midnight to back up those two critical files.
   IF those errors occur, I just replace them with the backups. 

   Now, what's the problem? Is it hardware problem? I think so.
   If it is, whom should i suspect - hdd/memory/cpu/cache/cables/ide
   I have discussed this in different mailing lists, but in vain.
   Somebody help me. It's a long time since I compiled kernels. :-(


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-_-_-_-_End of Original Message-_-_-_-_-_-_-Know Gnu, Know Freedom_
  -V.Suresh.  Sureshv<at>users<dot>sourceforge<dot>net
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