
I have problem with proxy arp. The exact problem is that I can't manually add 
'pub' arp entries in
arp table. In fact, I can add entry, but new entry doesn't have the mac address 
I have specified.
Instead, new entry has mac address 00:00:00:00:00:00. This happens only when I 
try to add entries
with 'pub'. With entries without 'pub', there is no problem, but unfortunately 
these kind of entries
are useless for implementing proxy arp. Kernel is 2.4.4. The command I've used: 
arp -i eth0 -s w.x.y.z 12:34:56:78:90:12 pub
What should I do to make entries appear in arp table correctly?

Petteri Heinonen
GSM:    +358 50 3363286
addr.:  Pehkusuonkatu 21 B 38
        33820 Tampere FIN

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