> Hi All,
> I'm trying to set up a small network and I'll be using NIS and NFS for
> home directories.
> I was wondering if it's possible to only mount a user's home directory
> when he tries to log in.  This way I'll only have one home directory
> mounted on the box at a time and I can avoid putting an unnecessary
> on the server.

I recall seeing a solution for this somewhere.
Went along the lines of nfs-mounting a /home/$USER directory for each
user who logged on, but not mounting the whole of /home.

Can't remember exactly where it was, but I think it was a Linux Gazette
article. Try searching google for "nfs auto mount tutorial" and try the
resulting LG pages. There were two articles, AFAIR, both by the same
Either that, or the man pages or howtos . . . :-) They're the only
places I would've seen the article . .

For what it's worth, I'd just stick with automounting /home when a user
logs on - it's not really costing you that much (any at all?) in terms
of cpu or memory to have all of /home mounted.
Then again, I could be wrong ... :)


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