Subject: compiling kernel 2.4.4 in potato
        Date: Sat, May 26, 2001 at 02:09:06PM -0000

In reply to:Ian Lee

Quoting Ian Lee([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> After following the instructions on the debian webiste to use a 2.4 kernel 
> on potato, everything installed fine.
> I then unpacked the kernel. ran through the options did
> make dep;make clean
> Everything ok when I try make bzImage
> I get
> gcc: Internel compile error: program cc1 got fatal signal 4

A google.con search on Signal 4 or 11 will give you a number of things
to check, ie  Memory, Overclocking, etc.

ISTR a recent post about GCC itself causing this (upgrade required).

I had a problem with a AMD k6-200 used MB I bought.  To compile the
newer kernels I had to clock it at 166 Mhz and replace the memory.

It now runs faster, @ 166 Mhz, then it did at 200 with the old memory.

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)

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