On Sat, 26 May 2001, Andreas Tscharner wrote:

>Hello World,
>On the LAME - Homepage, I've read the following:
>But in May 2000, the last remnants of the ISO source code were replaced,
>and now LAME is the source code for a fully GPL'd MP3 encoder, with speed
>and quality to rival all commercial competitors.

reopening the old flamewar?  The license isn't the issue, it's the
Fraunhofer patent.

>So I'm asking myself, why LAME isn't included in Debian...

Because it isn't.

>       Andreas

        A novice of the temple once approached the Chief Priest with a
        "Master, does Emacs have the Buddha nature?" the novice asked.
        The Chief Priest had been in the temple for many years and could be
relied upon to know these things.  He thought for several minutes before
        "I don't see why not.  It's got bloody well everything else."
        With that, the Chief Priest went to lunch.  The novice suddenly
achieved enlightenment, several years later.


His Master is kind,
Answering his FAQ quickly,
With thought and sarcasm.


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