The ratio is often quite different among different families of
processors.  I have observed the following:

Intel P-150  ~60 bogomips (0.4x)
Cyrix 120    ~120  "      (1.0x)
AMD K6/2-350 ~700  "      (2.0x)

See the BogoMips mini-HOWTO for a fairly complete list.


On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 07:52:53PM -0500, Petr [Dingo] Dvorak wrote:
> On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:
> RL> in some cases catting this file did not produce any information.
> You could use the bogomips to do 'educated' guess of the actual cpu speed, i
> have noticed that intel and amd both run pretty close to each other, i haven't
> had cyrix in my machine yet so i can't say how much it would be off but i 
> would
> guess that cyrix would be about 20%-25% slower due to lack of cache on cpu.
> 500mhz k6 ~ 1000 bogomips
> 180mhz intel ~ 375 bogomips
> so intel 166 should be around 345 bogomips ... in another words if you divide
> the bogomips shown by 2.08 you should get approximate cpu mhz ;)
> I know this is not even close to be precise, but you could get an idea ;)
> RL> Anything else?
> RL> And offtopic, but is there an equivalent file in FreeBSD?
> you could look for 'BYTEmark' benchmark port for linux/unix but that won't 
> tell
> you much except some comparising index to p90 and k6/233
>                                                 Dingo.
>                                       ).|.(
>                                     '.'___'.'
>                                    ' '(>~<)' '
>    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-ooO-=(_)=-Ooo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>     Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Coder - Purple Dragon MUD              port 3333
>    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
>       Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 6:41, 7 users, load average: 0.95
>    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> -- 
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Bob Nielsen, N7XY                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bainbridge Island, WA            
IOTA NA-065, USI WA-028S 

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