On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:14:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using debian for something about 10 month and 
> after that I have a few sugestions :)
> 1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in 

er FYI witch and which mean very different things in english ;-)

> stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add 
> iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser 
> still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
> 8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb 
> package from testing distribution. So i sugest You 
> to move it from testing to stable. Few of my 
> friends had the same problem. Some of them because 
> of that turned back from debian. For us it is 
> verry important to view our web pages with our 
> Polish characters.

stable is stable precisly because things don't get randomly updated
with new upstream versions all the time.  thats the way it works.  if
debian just starts adding up upstream versions to stable things will
become broken and unstable just like, well, the unstable dist.  

> 2. Problem is in CGI.pm file it is overdated to, 
> and doesnt support chcarset directive to add in 
> headres (in that part dedicated to browser).

see above

> 3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
> configuration is made in one file 
> (/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
> in version 1.3.9

i would agree with that, huge monsterous bloated monolithic
configuration files suck IMO.  file a severity wishlist bug report
against apache.  

> 4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no 
> avaible version. I've tried to install SSH2 from 
> package designed for unstable version, and it 
> works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with 
> compatibility with SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2 
> can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with 
> installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2 
> are in conflict in dupendecy tree. I don't know 
> why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as possible.

use openssh not non-free ssh.  the openssh from woody has support for
both protocols without the kludge of having two binaries.  

potato is ssh protocol 1 only. see above. 

> 5. Sendmail is in overdated version it is verry 
> heavy to configure it for normal work as a 
> internet mail server. It is verry dificult to 
> add 'Relaing support'. I made it after 3 days of 
> wondering what is wrong.

try postfix. 

> 6. Linuxconf is in verry old version and some 
> options don't work as they should. (for example 
> configuration of interfaces)

it doesn't matter what version of linuxconf you use, it will always
suck and not work right.  the correct way to fix linuxconf is
executing the following command as root:

apt-get --purge remove linuxconf

> 7. I don't know why, but Pine is avaible only as 
> source to compile. I think that it should be 
> avaible as a normal binary package.

pine is non-free.  distributing modified binaries is forbidden.  use
mutt instead.

> 8. When installing package pine-src i sugest You 
> to add to dupendecy packages witch are needed to 
> build pine (make, build, gcc, libc6-dev, and one 
> more but for now I don't remember witch one)

file wishlist bug against pine-src.  but again use mutt, pine is full
of security holes, is non-free and just generally sucks.  (flames to /dev/null)

> 9. When new editor is instaled the '/bin/editor' 
> symlink doesn't cheanges. I sugest You to add to 
> editor packages question If the user wants o make 
> installed editor (for example jed) default editor.

man update-alternatives. 

Ethan Benson

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