On Tue, 29 May 2001, Andy Davidson wrote:

>Thanks to all who responded.  I now have ssh up and running.  And I clearly
>need to learn more about apt-get and friends. :-)
>Two additional items: one question and one apology.
>The question is: Are the non-USA and non-free packages on the CDs or do I

Sort of.  You CAN get/make non-US CDs and non-free CDs, but nobody in
Debian is holding a gun to anyone's head to make them.  I'm thinking most
CD vendors don't want to sell you a pig in a poke, so ask when you look at
buying: if they don't want to tell you what precisely is on the CDs, you
probably don't want them anyhow.

>have to use the internet sites? [Not a huge problem; I only have a 56K
>connection, but I was quite impressed with the speed of the download and

Just set up apt is my advice: 56K is better than I have at home, and I do
pretty good keeping up.

>Also, several of you sent me email along the lines of:
>               >(Also, please don't post in HTML ...)
>I wasn't aware that I was and I'm not too sure how I turn it off. [I am
>currently running Eudora 4.0 on a Windows box.  And this is just another
>good reason to get off Windows. :-) ] Sometimes it asks me if I want to
>send formatted text and sometimes it doesn't. My apologies. [Please let me
>know if this shows up in HTML.]

I didn't see any HTML in this one...

>       Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
>   If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

There is an old saying that if a million monkeys typed on a million
keyboards for a million years, eventually all the works of Shakespeare
would be produced.   Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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