On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 09:20:20PM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote:
> I accidently deleted a mail. I would help me a lot if I could recover the
> email address of the mail. Does fetchmail keep any logs by default? I
> would think so? But can't find them, where can I find them?

Oke, I already figured this out myself with a little bit of help.
Fetchmail just hands the mail over too the MTA, exim in my case.
Found it in the exim logs.

Jeroen Valcke               jeroen@valcke.com   
ICQ# 30116911               Home page: http://www.valcke.com/jeroen
Phone +32(0)56 32 91 37     Mobile +32(0)486 88 21 26
The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
                                                -Andrew S. Tanenbaum-

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