On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 07:56:22AM +0200, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
> I have a machine running exim that has to serve several mail domains. I
> understand I should set them up as local domains, but then (correct me
> if I'm wrong) if I have domainA and domainB all local users would have
> email addresses for both domains.
> The thing is I don't really understand what I should do to tell exim
> whih users belong to which domain.
> Is it just a cuestion of playing with mail_aliases or is there anything
> else to be set up in exim.conf
> (And yes, I've read the docs about exim's virtual hosting but I don't
> quite get it)

takes a while, lemme tellya.

Would you like RXVT to have more than 80 COLUMNS or 24 ROWS? For an
rxvt session, running under X, specify how many rows and columns
you want:
        rxvt -g 132x30 &
Try "man rxvt" for more info.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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