> -----Original Message-----
> From: Margarete Hans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 2 June 2001 9:10 AM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Installation Problems
> I assume that no one responded to my original message because it was
> in rich text format so here it is again - hopefully in plain text this
> time.
There is nothing worse than this if you are in strife!  I will have a go :-)


> two other unformatted Linux partitions(70MB and 210MB). The partitions
> were made with Partition Manager, a very basic DOS-utility.

Why?  If you are doing a vanilla install, creating partitions are part of
the install ...

> downloaded the disk images with DownloadAccelerator.
> Upon inserting the rescue disk and rebooting, it checked the RAM,
> accessessed the floppy and then simply stopped.

hmmm another why .... you said above the partitions are unformated so, other
than the files on the floppy, where is the rest of the install?

 The curser was on the
> top row, blinking. I retried it a couple of times, rawriting it on
> different floppies each time.

My guess is the blinking cursor cant find the rest of the install files as
per above ....

> I then tried it on my primary computer (DELL Pentium 166, 32MB RAM,
> AMIBIOS version A10 by Americanmegatrends, one 3GB FAT-32 Win95
> partition). The same thing happened.

At least we know your laptop is ok ;-p

> I assumed that the problem was that the file was corrupted.
> I redownloaded the disk image. This time, on both computers, I got a
> message that the floppy is "not a bootable disk".
> I redownloaded it a third time from a different server, with the same


> I have no new ideas of what to try next. What should I do?
> Derek

go to the local computer market or Linux shop etc and buy the Potatoe cd.
My first one cost me $5.00 AU about $10.00 US you will save this 10 times
over in man hours and thinking time alone!

good luck


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