Lo, on Friday, June 1, D-Man did write:

> On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 06:49:31PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

<snip the vi/emacs proselytizing>

> | Type M-x tutorial (Escape-x tutorial)  for a 15 minute intro that will
> That is press and release Escape, press and release x, type
> 'tutorial'.
> (this little explanation of Meta is for those with interesting
>  combinations of OSes and hardware types wondering why Meta "doesn't"
>  work)
> Escape works as Meta regardless of machine type.  If you are using an
> x86 Linux system, the left Alt is also Meta (So type Alt-x tutorial).

Depends on keyboard settings in your Xf86Config file.  If you've got (for
XFree86 v3) the following setting,
        XkbKeymap   "xfree86(us_microsoft)"
then the plastic bumps labeled `alt' generate the `alt' keysym, but the
plastic bumps with the windows logo generate the `meta' keysym (and
appropriate modifier bits).

In any case, it's configurable; see xmodmap(1) or xkeycaps(1).  (I'd also
point out that this is an X issue, not an emacs issue.)

> If you are on a Windows box that is XHosting emacs running on Solaris
> the Alt doesn't work -- the black diamond key on the Solaris keyboard
> is Meta (same place as PC Alt).  I haven't tried with any other
> system, but I found that inconsistency (in OSes/hardware) to be rather
> annoying.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.  xmodmap(1)/xkeycaps(1) allow you, the
user, to adjust the keyboard to the way in which you work, rather than
adjusting yourself to the way in which the computer works.  For instance, I
have the Microsoft Natural Elite keyboard, with the above setting in my
XF86Config file.  It's probably just what I'm used to, but I find the `alt'
keys to be much more reachable than the windows keys during normal
touch-typing, so I've set my xmodmaprc up to rebind those to meta instead
of alt.  Since I never actually use the alt keysym, I've left the windows
keys unbound.

Of the various X servers for Win32, I've only used Exceed's, but ISTR that
it has an xmodmap-like tool with which you can configure the various
extended keys.  I'd imagine the other X servers have similar tools.


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