Answer to questions by Kent West.

The printer does not work. The echo test failed. Printer does work with Redhat, therefore is not win-printer.

Possibility of damage by lightning strike. Modem works with Windows and Beos.

My ISP administrator used his own modem.

Minicom says"
        Connected press any key to continue.
        CONNECT 45300
        random numbers

wvdial reports:
        CONNECT 48000/ARQ
        Connected detected. Waiting for prompt.
        random numbers
        Don't know what to do.  ....
        PPP daemon has died.

After configuring PPP, I get message "This system lacks kernel support for ppp.
        Then /sbin/modprobe -v ppp
Response: modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.14-15.0/modules.dep (No such file or directory)

I do not have another modem that would work with linux.

Answers to John Hassler.

Can't do ppp things for reasons described above.
For /proc/parport, I get "no such file or directory".

Output for cat /proc/ioports:
        serial (set) 02f8-02ff
          nothing for parallel port or printer

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