Am 05. Jun, 2001 schwäzte Dave Sherohman so:

> On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 07:58:50AM -0500, hanasaki wrote:
> > I have added the following else statement to the script so there is
> > always a report.  I would appreciate it if the utility's owner would
> > consider adding this to his/her next revision and giving a small credit
> > if they do.

> I would not appreciate it.  I suppose adding an option (so long as the
> current behaviour remains the default) would be OK, but I'm of the opinion

That's the way I set it up when I changed logcheck.

> that, if there's nothing to report, I don't want to be bothered with null
> mail.  The absence of a problem report is itself confirmation that there
> is no problem.  (Same principle:  Create an empty directory, cd into it,

Not necessarily. It could also be evidence that someone's turned off
logcheck, which is mostly what this thread was concetrating on :).

I need to add a mail handler that will expect the mail from logcheck and
inform me if it doesn't come in. In priciple I want to only get the bad
news, but I want to make sure something is checking that the local machine
is still working properly ( well, it's still not a guarantee it hasn't been
tampered with, but it's one more level they have to overcome ).

A mail filter, snmp query or network monitoring module could be used to eat
the empty reports, but let me know if they didn't get one they expected.


#  I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans

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