I'm sorry but I don't speak/wrote very well english...
I've some problem with the ethercad Netgear FA311. I can't compile the
module natsemi.c on a Debian Potato 2.2_r0 
I've this message when I try to compil this with the command 

gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -O6 -c natsemi.c :
natsemi.c:103:linux/modversions.h:No such File...
The doc said delete '-DMODVERSIONS' from the command but I don't
understand where find this...

I've download the kernel source (2.2.17) and install them in
/usr/src/linux but don't compil... 

Thank's a lot ! 

> je voudrais pirater la fac ou je suis qui est sur réseau sur linux!
echo "rpub \"w'nv yr cnffjbeq ebbg!\"|znvy ebbg" |tr a-mn-z n-za-m|/bin/sh
-+- JD in Guide du linuxien pervers - "J'aime bien rendre service !" -+-

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