On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, David Purton wrote:

>when you enter the main inbox in pine, the highlighed message is always
>the oldest undread message, but with other folders it is the newest
>unread message.

I don't know how to permanently change this, but my workaround is J[ump] 1
<cr> <tab>.  Jump to the first message, skip to the next new message.

>This is good for sentmail folders and save folders, but I use procmail
>to filter this list into a separate folder and it would be nice to have
>inbox like behaviour for this folder.
>I've poked around in the pine config, but havn't found anything to do
>Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how it can be done?
>Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars
>on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
>as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
>to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...
>                       Francis A Schaeffer
>David Purton

Be Careful! I have a black belt in sna-fu!

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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