On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 12:22:20PM +0200, Otto Wyss wrote:
| Does anyone know if the fs in Grub allows the kernel to load his
| necessary fs as modules? I.e. if Grub contains a an ext2 fs, can the
| kernel load modules from this file system even if the ext2 fs isn't
| compiled into the kernel?
| Or since the fs in Grub probably also needs the corresponding drivers
| for the drive (i.e. SCSI), does the kernel still need the same drivers
| built in?

What exactly is your setup and what are you trying to do?  Concrete
questions are often clearer than abstract ones, and thus eaiser to

Grub and the kernel are 2 separate things.  Grub must have support for
a particular filesystem in order for it to read the stage2, menu.lst
and kernel from.  Grub doesn't care what components the kernel has
builtin or as modules.  If the kernel is on a SCSI disk, then grub
needs to be able to read the SCSI disk to load the kernel.  I don't
know if grub can do this now, or what the issues are because I have
never had a SCSI disk.  If you want your kernel to be able to read
files from a SCSI disk, then it must have the necessary drivers
available -- either comiled in or as modules on a disk that can be
read without the module already loaded (you don't want a Catch 22
where you need the SCSI driver to read the disk inorder to load the
SCSI driver in order to read ...).

I'm sure it would be just fine if you put the kernel and its modules
on an IDE disk and told grub to load the kernel from there and that
the root partition is on the SCSI disk.

Maybe someone else with more SCSI experience can provide better
information, or maybe the grub docs will tell


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