Hey all,

   Recently wiped my box and decided to do a "clean" reinstall now that I've
had some experience with Debian (repartitioned, minimal install, upgrade to
woody, etc.) and I'm still working out some kinks.

  I'm trying to get the latest build of Mozilla (0.9.1) to run and I'm 
running into this error:

#/usr/local/bin/mozilla0.9.1/mozilla# ./mozilla

./run-mozilla.sh ./mozilla-bin
./mozilla-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object 
file: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

./mozilla-bin IS present.  Here is the relevant portion of the  contents of 
the /usr/local/bin/mozilla0.9.1/mozilla directory:

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1720 Jan 23 09:34 mozilla
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        49648 Jun  7 15:16 mozilla-bin
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         2851 Jun  7 15:07 mozilla-config
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       150036 Jun  7 15:16 mozilla-installer-bin

If it matters, I am running the AfterStep window manager over X (i.e. I'm not
running Gnome, KDE, CDE, etc.)

Here is a list of the packages I've installed:

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  adduser        3.36           Add and remove users and groups to resp. fro
ii  ae             962-30         Anthony's Editor -- a tiny full-screen edito
ii  afterstep      1.8.8-7        A window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and 
ii  apache         1.3.19-1       Versatile, high-performance HTTP server
ii  apache-common  1.3.19-1       Support files for all Apache webservers
ii  apt            0.5.3          Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  apt-utils      0.5.3          APT utility programs
ii  at             3.1.8-10       Delayed job execution and batch processing
ii  autoconf       2.13-27        automatic configure script builder
ii  automake       1.4-8          A tool for generating GNU Standards-complian
ii  base-config    0.69.3         Debian base configuration package
ii  base-files     2.2.8          Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd    3.2.1          Debian Base System Password/Group Files
ii  bash           2.05-4         The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bc             1.06-6         The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator la
ii  binutils  The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti
ii  bison          1.28-8         A parser generator that is compatible with Y
ii  bsdmainutils   5.20010126-4   More utilities from FreeBSD.
ii  bsdutils       2.11b-4        Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite.
ii  build-essentia 4              Informational list of build-essential packag
ii  console-common 0.7            Basic infrastructure for text console config
ii  console-data   1999.08.29-21  Keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback table
ii  console-tools  0.2.3-23       Linux console and font utilities.
ii  console-tools- 0.2.3-23       Shared libraries for Linux console and font 
ii  cpio           2.4.2-36       GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  cpp            2.95.3-7       The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  cpp-2.95       2.95.4-0.01042 The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  cpp-3.0        3.0-0pre010403 The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  cron           3.0pl1-69      management of regular background processing
ii  cvs            1.11-1         Concurrent Versions System
ii  cvs-buildpacka 3.29           Debian package scripts for CVS source trees.
ii  cweb           3.63-3         Knuth's & Levy's C/C++ programming system.
ii  dc             1.06-6         The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polis
ii  debconf        0.9.41         Debian configuration management system
rc  debconf-tiny      Tiny subset of debconf for the base system
ii  debconf-utils  0.9.41         Debconf utilities
ii  debhelper      3.0.15         helper programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-guide   1.0.1          Text from: Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Instal
ii  debian-policy        Debian Policy Manual and related documents
ii  debianutils    1.15           Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian.
ii  debmake        3.6.9          Debianizing Tool and automated binary genera
ii  developers-ref 2.8.6          Debian Developer's Reference
ii  devscripts     2.5.29         Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package
ii  dh-make        0.26           Debianizing Tool for debhelper
ii  dhcp-client    2.0pl5-5       DHCP Client
ii  diff           2.7-24         File comparison utilities
ii  diffstat       1.28-1         produces graph of changes introduced by a di
ii  doc-base       0.7.8          Utilities to manage online documentation
ii  doc-debian     2.2.3          Debian Project documentation, Debian FAQ and
ii  doc-linux-text 2000.09-1      Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in ASCII
ii  dpkg           1.9.6          Package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev       1.9.6          Package building tools for Debian
ii  dupload        2.4.3          Utility to upload Debian packages.
ii  dwww           1.6.1          Read all on-line documentation via WWW
ii  e2fsprogs      1.19-4         The EXT2 file system utilities and libraries
ii  ed             0.2-19         The classic unix line editor
ii  emacs20        20.7-3         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacsen-common 1.4.12         Common facilities for all emacsen.
ii  exim           3.22-4         Exim Mailer
ii  fakeroot       0.4.4-9.2      Gives a fake root environment.
ii  fbset          2.1-6          Framebuffer device maintenance program.
ii  fdflush        1.0.1-5        A disk-flushing program.
ii  fdutils        5.3-3.1        Linux floppy utilities
ii  fetchmail      5.8.3-1        POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
ii  file           3.33-5         Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  fileutils      4.1-2          GNU file management utilities.
ii  findutils      4.1.6-2        utilities for finding files--find, xargs, an
ii  flex           2.5.4a-11      A fast lexical analyzer generator.
ii  ftp            0.17-5         The FTP client.
ii  g++            2.95.3-7       The GNU C++ compiler.
ii  g++-2.95       2.95.4-0.01042 The GNU C++ compiler.
ii  g++-3.0        3.0-0pre010403 The GNU C++ compiler.
ii  gcc            2.95.3-7       The GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc-2.95       2.95.4-0.01042 The GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc-3.0        3.0-0pre010403 The GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc-3.0-base   3.0-0pre010403 The GNU compiler collection (base package).
ii  gdb            4.18.19990928- The GNU Debugger
ii  gettext        0.10.37-1      GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base   0.10.37-1      GNU Internationalization utilities for the b
ii  glibc-doc      2.2.3-1        GNU C Library: Documentation
ii  gpm            1.17.8-18      General Purpose Mouse Interface
ii  grep           2.4.2-1        GNU grep, egrep and fgrep.
ii  groff          1.16-3.3       GNU troff text-formatting system.
ii  gzip           1.2.4-33       The GNU compression utility.
ii  hostname       2.08           A utility to set/show the host name or domai
ii  ifupdown       0.6.4-3        High level tools to configure network interf
ii  imagemagick    5.3.0-4        Image manipulation programs.
ii  indent         2.2.6-3        C language source code formatting program
ii  info           4.0-5          Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
ii  ipchains       1.3.10-10      Network firewalling for Linux 2.2.x
ii  isapnptools    1.26-1         ISA Plug-And-Play configuration utilities.
ii  lbxproxy       4.0.3-3        Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
ii  ldso           1.9.11-9       The Linux dynamic linker, library and utilit
ii  less           358-6.1        A file pager program, similar to more(1)
ii  libbz2-1.0     1.0.1-9        A high-quality block-sorting file compressor
ii  libc6          2.2.3-1        GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone
ii  libc6-dev      2.2.3-1        GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Hea
ii  libcap1        1.10-9         support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabil
ii  libdb2         2.7.7-8        The Berkeley database routines (run-time fil
ii  libdb3         3.2.9-10       Berkeley v3 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdps-dev     4.0.3-3        Display PostScript (DPS) client library deve
ii  libdps1        4.0.3-3        Display PostScript (DPS) client library
ii  libfreetype6 FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii  libgc5         5.0.alpha4-8   Conservative garbage collector for C
ii  libgcc300      3.0-0pre010403 Shared libgcc.
ii  libgdbmg1      1.7.3-27       GNU dbm database routines (runtime version).
ii  libglib1.2     1.2.9-1        The GLib library of C routines
ii  libgpmg1       1.17.8-18      General Purpose Mouse Library [libc6]
ii  libgtk1.2      1.2.10-1       The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libhdf4g       4.1r4-8        The Hierarchical Data Format library -- libr
ii  libident       0.22-2         simple RFC1413 client library - runtime
ii  libjpeg62      6b-1.3         The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime li
ii  libldap2       2.0.7-6        OpenLDAP libraries.
ii  liblockfile1   1.03           NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfi
ii  libmagick5     5.3.0-4        Image manipulation library (free version).
ii  libncurses4    4.2-9          Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncurses5    5.2.20010318-1 Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libnet-perl    1.0703-4.1     Implementation of Internet protocols for Per
ii  libnetpbm9     9.10-4         Shared libraries for netpbm.
ii  libnewt0       0.50.17-1      Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
ii  libnspr4       M18-3          Netscape Portable Runtime library
ii  libopenldap-ru 1.2.11-2       OpenLDAP runtime files for obsolete libopenl
ii  libopenldap1   1.2.11-2       OpenLDAP libraries (obsoleted by libldap2).
ii  libpam-modules 0.72-24        Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime 0.72-24        Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g       0.72-24        Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libpcre2       2.08-1         Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expre
ii  libpcre3       3.4-1          Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expre
ii  libpng2        1.0.11-1       PNG library - runtime
ii  libpopt0       1.6.2-5        lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libreadline4   4.2-3          GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii  libsasl7       1.5.24-6       Authentication abstraction library.
ii  libstdc++2.10  2.95.2-14      The GNU stdc++ library
ii  libstdc++2.10- 2.95.4-0.01042 The GNU stdc++ library (development files)
ii  libstdc++2.10- 2.95.4-0.01042 The GNU stdc++ library
ii  libstdc++3.0   3.0-0pre010403 The GNU stdc++ library version 3
ii  libstdc++3.0-d 3.0-0pre010403 The GNU stdc++ library version 3 (developmen
ii  libtiff3g      3.5.5-3        Tag Image File Format library
ii  libtool        1.3.5-5        Generic library support script
ii  libwmf0        0.1.21-1       WMF conversion libraries
ii  libwrap0       7.6-7          Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libxaw6        4.0.3-3        X Athena widget set library (version 6)
ii  libxaw7        4.0.3-3        X Athena widget set library
ii  libxaw7-dev    4.0.3-3        X Athena widget set library development file
ii  libxml2        2.3.5-2        GNOME XML library
ii  lilo           21.7.5-1       LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can loa
ii  lintian        1.20.13        Debian package checker
ii  locales        2.2.3-1        GNU C Library: National Language (locale) da
ii  login          20000902-5     System login tools
ii  logrotate      3.5.4-2        Log rotation utility
ii  lynx           2.8.3-1.4      Text-mode WWW Browser
ii  m4             1.4-13         a macro processing language
ii  mailx          8.1.2-0.200103 A simple mail user agent.
ii  maint-guide    1.0.1          Debian New Maintainers' Guide
ii  make           3.79.1-6       The GNU version of the "make" utility.
ii  makedev        2.3.1-52       Creates special device files in /dev.
ii  man-db         2.3.18-6       Display the on-line manual.
ii  manpages       1.36-2         Man pages about using a Linux system.
ii  manpages-dev   1.36-2         Linux-development man pages.
ii  mawk           1.3.3-5        a pattern scanning and text processing langu
ii  mbr            1.1.3-1        Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible com
ii  mc             4.5.51-16      Midnight Commander - A powerful file manager
ii  mc-common      4.5.51-16      Common files for mc and gmc
ii  menu           2.1.5-9        provides update-menus functions for some app
ii  mime-support   3.11-1         MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and sup
ii  modconf        0.2.32         Device Driver Configuration
ii  modutils       2.4.6-3        Linux module utilities.
ii  mount          2.11b-4        Tools for mounting and manipulating filesyst
ii  mutt           1.3.18-1       Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, 
ii  ncurses-base   5.2.20010318-1 Descriptions of common terminal types
ii  ncurses-bin    5.2.20010318-1 Terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  net-tools      1.60-1         The NET-3 networking toolkit
ii  netbase        4.05           Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii  netkit-inetd   0.10-6         The Internet Superserver
ii  netkit-ping    0.10-6         The ping utility from netkit
ii  netpbm         9.10-4         Graphics conversion tools.
ii  nvi            1.79-17        4.4BSD re-implementation of vi.
ii  passwd         20000902-5     Change and administer password and group dat
ii  patch          2.5.4-3        Apply a diff file to an original
ii  pciutils       2.1.8-2        Linux PCI Utilities (for 2.[123].x kernels)
ii  perl           5.6.0-21       Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
ii  perl-5.005     6.1            Transitional package.
ii  perl-5.005-bas 6.1            Transitional package.
ii  perl-base      5.6.0-21       The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister.
ii  perl-modules   5.6.0-21       Core Perl modules.
ii  procmail       3.15.1-4       Versatile e-mail processor.
ii  procps         2.0.7-4        The /proc file system utilities.
ii  proxymngr      4.0.3-3        X proxy services manager
ii  psmisc         20.1-1         Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  sed            3.02-6         The GNU sed stream editor.
ii  setserial      2.17-20        Controls configuration of serial ports.
ii  shellutils     2.0.11-2       The GNU shell programming utilities.
ii  slang1         1.4.4-1        The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
ii  strace         4.2-4          A system call tracer.
ii  sysadmin-guide 0.6.2-3        The Linux System Administrators' Guide
ii  sysklogd       1.4.1-1        System logging daemons
ii  syslinux       1.62-5         Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flopp
ii  sysvinit       2.78-4         System-V like init.
ii  tar            1.13.19-1      GNU tar
ii  task-c++-dev   0.7            Development in C++
ii  task-c-dev     0.7            Development in C
ii  task-debian-de 1.7            Debian package development
ii  task-debug     0.7            Debugging of C, C++, Objective C and friends
ii  task-devel-com 0.7            Development in various languages
ii  task-doc       0.3            General documentation
ii  task-newbie-he 0.1.1          New user documentation
ii  task-x-window- 3.1            X Window System (complete)
ii  task-x-window- 2.3            X Window System (core components)
ii  tasksel        1.4            Tool for selecting tasks for installation on
ii  tcpd           7.6-7          Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  telnet         0.17-13        The telnet client.
ii  textutils      2.0-6          The GNU text file processing utilities.
ii  twm            4.0.3-3        Tab window manager
ii  update         2.11-3         daemon to periodically flush filesystem buff
ii  util-linux     2.11b-4        Miscellaneous system utilities.
ii  w3m            0.1.10+0.1.11p WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/fr
ii  whiptail       0.50.17-1      Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  whois          4.5.6          The GNU whois client
ii  xbase-clients  4.0.3-3        miscellaneous X clients
ii  xdm            4.0.3-3        X display manager
ii  xfonts-100dpi  4.0.3-3        100 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi   4.0.3-3        75 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base    4.0.3-3        standard fonts for X
ii  xfonts-cyrilli 4.0.3-3        Cyrillic fonts for X
ii  xfonts-pex     4.0.3-3        fonts for minimal PEX support in X
ii  xfonts-scalabl 4.0.3-3        scalable fonts for X
ii  xfree86-common 4.0.3-3        X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
ii  xfs            4.0.3-3        X font server
ii  xfwp           4.0.3-3        X firewall proxy server
ii  xlib6g         4.0.3-3        pseudopackage providing X libraries
ii  xlibmesa-dev   4.0.3-3        XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library 
ii  xlibmesa3      4.0.3-3        XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
ii  xlibosmesa-dev 4.0.3-3        Mesa/XFree86 offscreen rendering library dev
ii  xlibosmesa3    4.0.3-3        Mesa/XFree86 offscreen rendering library
ii  xlibs          4.0.3-3        X Window System client libraries
ii  xlibs-dev      4.0.3-3        X Window System client library development f
ii  xnest          4.0.3-3        nested X server
ii  xprt           4.0.3-3        X print server
ii  xserver-common 4.0.3-3        files and utilities common to all X servers
ii  xserver-xfree8 4.0.3-3        the XFree86 X server
ii  xspecs         4.0.3-3        X protocol, extension, and library technical
ii  xterm          4.0.3-3        X terminal emulator
ii  xutils         4.0.3-3        XFree86 utility programs
ii  xvfb           4.0.3-3        virtual framebuffer X server
ii  xviddetect     0.3-4          XFree86 installation helper
ii  zlib1g         1.1.3-15       compression library - runtime

I simulated an install of the Woody Mozilla package 
(apt-get -s install mozilla) but the only package that needed to be installed
was "mozilla", so I know, as far as the Debian Woody package of Mozilla goes, 
I should be fine.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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