Alan Chandler wrote:
> I am running what is essentially a debian woody system (with KDE from CVS on
> top).  This means XFree 4.0.3
> Every so often (maybe once every two weeks) the user interface locks solid.
> The cursor disappears and no screen updates occur.
> I can still ssh into the machine from elsewhere, and can see that most of it
> is running perfectly.  The only way to clear this is to kill -9 the xserver
> from this ssh connection, at which point the screen springs into life.
> I don't know how to go about checking what might be the cause, there seems to
> be no obvious action on my part that causes this to happen.
> Anyone else have similar problems?

I'm seeing lockups also but not quite the same.  
The cursor is still there and moveable, but I can 
nolonger click on anything or change focus.  I 
can use CTRL-ALT-F[X] to switch to a console 
window and kill the app I was just working in 
however no other key combinations that I know of 
work.  I've had the most trouble with Freeamp.  
If I double click on a song list it will sometimes 
lockup.  I've also had lockups in other apps too.
Killing the app I was working in at the time of 
the lockup frees up the condition that caused 
the lockup.  I can then restart it.  My guess is 
there is a race condition.  I last upgraded to 
SID about a week ago.

|  Bryan Andersen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |
| Buzzwords are like annoying little flies that deserve to be swatted. |
|   -Bryan Andersen                                                    |

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