Alex Suzuki wrote:

> Hello friends,
> I wanted to ask you guys what ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession are all about.
> I run Debian woody, GNOME and sawfish as my windowmanager (sawfish-gnome
> package).
> Somehow GNOME just can't remember its settings, and I think I screwed up
> those files anyway. Which one gets read when I start X with startx?
> I don't use a display manager like xdm or gdm or whatever.
> this is what my .xinitrc looks like:
> galeon -s &
> xsetroot -solid black &
> exec sawfish &
> panel
> This is what .xsession looks like
> #!/bin/sh
> xsetroot -solid slategrey &
> xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
> exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
> Could anybody solve this puzzle for me? Can anyone with a similar
> configuration (GNOME/sawfish) post his/her .xinitrc and .xsession?

In my home dir i've only the .xsession file, and the only thing worth of comment
is the "gnome-session" command, i've attached it anyway (the "gnome-session"
command is in the "gnome-session" package =).

You could control which program to launch with the "gnome-control-center" in the
"Session" section...


# xconsole -title "Debian GNU/Linux Console" -geometry  600x69+300+20 -daemon  
-file /dev/xconsole 

# You can replace the line above by seting a WINDOW_MANAGER environment
# variable to set your preferred WM.
export WINDOW_MANAGER=sawfish

# Now execute the window manager and we'll be on our way.  Most people have
# window managers they like better than twm -- install the corresponding
# Debian package and edit the following line appropriately if you're one of
# them.

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