On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 04:13:45PM +0200, vester wrote:
> can anyone explain to me what exactly the process kapm-idled does and why
> it takes up 50-90% of cpu usage?

Kernel APM IDLE Daemon

It's a pseudo process that doesn't actually _do_ anything.  It just puts the
CPU to sleep when there's nothing else going on.

> i've never noticed it taking up that much usage until today. i cannot stop
> it from top...

Yeah, the idled showing up in the process list is a new 'feature' of the 2.4
series kernels.  Give it a little time and a new version of top will come out
that knows enough to ignore it.

> i suppose it's got something to do with the apm kernel
> modules, but i really don't know. it just seems to make my system really
> slow :-(

Have you noticed an actual performance decrease or are you just assuming that
it's slowing other things down because of the high CPU usage displayed?

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL++++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI++++ D G e* h r y+

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