
Here is the message I got while attempting to install Debian 2.2 on my DELL
Optiplex GX100
Can you help me please.
Thank you in advance

cmd: xviddetect
Sorry, I wasn't able to determine a driver for your video card. This script
only detects PCI and some SBUS devices. If you know, or figure out, which X 
driver to use, please submit a *wishlist* bug against this package with the 
appropriate info. Please see http://bugs.debian.org/ for information about
submitting bugs.

I will now display a list of PCI devices I found on your computer. Please
send the line associated with your video device if you do find a driver.

80867122|i386|Intel Corporation|82810-DC100 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller
80867123|i386|Intel Corporation|82810-DC100 CGC [Chipset Graphics
80862418|i386|unknown manufacturer|unknown model
80862410|i386|unknown manufacturer|unknown model
80862411|i386|unknown manufacturer|unknown model
80862412|i386|unknown manufacturer|unknown model
80862413|i386|unknown manufacturer|unknown model
10b79200|i386|3Com Corporation|3c905C-TX [Fast Etherlink]

Dominique Marceau
(Institut Superieur des Materiaux du Mans)
44, Avenue F.A. Bartholdi
72000 Le Mans
Tel: 33 (0)2 43 21 40 30     Fax:33 (0)2 43 21 40 39
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