also sprach Auke van der Gaast (on Wed, 13 Jun 2001 05:04:53PM +0200):
> I only want to give people access through FTP. Maybe it's a good
> idea to give them access to the FTP folders of others too, but I
> don't want them browsing through the whole harddisk. They only need
> to be able to retreive or leave me files.

as far as i know, there are chroot ftp servers out there that will do
precisely that. it's still problematic because of /lib and /bin/ls and
other such stuff.

> But if I do this as <user>
> cd /home
> chmod o-rwx /
> chmod o-wx /home
> Will that do the trick? And what do these last two lines do?

only fo o-rw, not -rwx. the x right must remain.

> chgrp root /
> chgrp root /home

they change the group membership of the files to the group "root"

> Btw. since you're helping me; are you interested in Electronic Music? 
> You could find my tracks on (goto cyanide)

very much so. i'll check it out.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"my father, a good man, told me:
'never lose your ignorance; you cannot replace it.'"
                                               -- erich maria remarque

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