D-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Home dirs should have "711" as the permissions (owner
> read-write-execute group and world execute only).  I just checked on
> my system (I am really the only user right now) and the perms are 755
> (actually I'm not sure what the 's' in the 010 column is (group
> execute)).

The s in the group execute means that the sgid bit is set on the
directory. That means that all files created under that directory will
be owned by the same group that owns the directory. Without the sgid
bit, the files would be owned by your primary group.

> I think this is a bug in adduser/useradd (whichever one is the
> Debian-specific) and should be fixed.

 $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=text adduser
 Normally, home directories can be viewed by all users on the system. If
 you want to increase the security/privacy on your system, you might
 want your home directories only readable by the user. If you are
 unsure, answer yes to enable system wide readable home directories.
 This will only affect home directories of users added with the adduser
 program later.
 Do you want system wide readable home directories? yes
 $ dpkg --status adduser | grep -i version
 Version: 3.37


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