
I have encountered a problem with the recognition of 2 Ethernet cards
when using a non-modular kernel.  The specifics are as follows:

        kernel 2.4.2 (with console = tty and lance ethernet enabled)
        2 Lance (ISA) E/N cards jumpered to 0x300 and 0x320 respectively
        system is '386, 8 MB, no graphics, keyboard or mouse: 
                uses vt101 as a console

I tried the following "append" statements in the "lilo.conf" file, kernel
section, but only the card at 0x300 is identified:

        append = "io=0x300,0x320 console=ttyS0,4800E7"
        append = "io=0x300 io=0x320 console=ttyS0,4800E7"
        append = "io=0x320 io=0x300 console=ttyS0,4800E7"
        append = "io=0x300,0x320" 
                (with append = "console=ttyS0,4800E7" in the global section)

Note that a modular kernel 2.2.13, with the line 

        "options lance "io=0x300,0x320"

in the "/etc/modules.conf" file DOES recognise both cards at boot

The newer kernel is needed (I believe) because I want the '386
as a firewall between my LAN and the ADSL modem to the world.  I cannot
get "dhcpcd" that came with the earlier Debian release (currently on
the '386) to make a connection, so want "dhcp-client", plus "iptables"
for packet filtering.

If you have any experience with a similar environment, or have any insight
into solving my problem at all, I would very much like to hear from you.

Regards from "frustrated in Calgary",
Dean Provins

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