On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 02:50:19AM -0400, Ed Lawson wrote:
> I just installed Debian for a server which provides interent access to 
> several machines via a dial up account.  Running 2.2r3.  I am using the 
> same rules i used running RH for setting up IP Masqing.  For some reason 
> certain websites such as LinuxToday will load on the server's browswer, 
> but not on the desktop machines.  Other services such as automatic 
> updates to for QuickBooks do not work.  This was not a problem when I 
> used RH.  Does Debian have some settings in this area that are tighter 
> and block certain traffic under these conditions?  Not anxious to go 
> back to RH, but this is a showstopper.  TIA

if you're anal (like me) you'll back up a copy of your old
settings before steamrolling it the debian way --

        apt-get install ipmasq

once ifconfig shows proper settings (/etc/network/interfaces)
"ipmasq" is all i've ever needed. paranoids say it's not big on
tight security, but it worked forme right out of the box.

Why are *.rpm (RED HAT PACKAGES) considered spawn of Satan?
Because the Debian package system is a lot more sophisticated
than the one Red Hat uses; lots more inter-dependency information
is built in to a *.deb package. If you bypass that with an *.rpm
file, you're taking chances with your system. Try to "apt-get
install <debian-only>" packages if possible. (Also check out the
"alien" package if you must.)

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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