On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Aaron Maxwell wrote:

>What tool generates /etc/resolv.conf, and how do I change what it

I'd bet it was DHCP...

>I'm running today's potato.  I need to change the contents of
>/etc/resolv.conf (to change the nameserver line, and add a domain line
>and a second nameserver line).  I can do this with vi no problem, but
>it's temporary:  during reboot, and every few hours while the system
>is up, something clobbers the new resolv.conf with the old one.

Yup, it's DHCP.  I don't know of a way to stop it offhand, but you need to
look in the manpages for pumpd, dhcpcd, or whatever dhcp client you're
using.  It's overwriting your resolv.conf every time you renew your

>Thanks in advance.  Aaron
>The resolv.conf(5) manpage doesn't seem to help - when I get a correct
>answer I'll file that as a bug report.

No need to file a bug report: dhcp's doing exactly what it's supposed to
be doing: assigning IP, route, AND NAMESERVER...


Here is wisdom.  Let him that hath wisdom count the number of the BSD: for
it is the number of a man; and his number is VI VI VI.
(ir-reve-rent-lations 13:17-19)
Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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