On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 04:12:17AM +0800, Ken Ng wrote:
> I update Kernel 2.4.5  ,  but  telnet responses very slow ...........

What do you mean by "slow".  Is the act of initiating a connection slow,
or is the connection slow for the duration?

If initiating a connection is slow then the problem is most likely DNS
related.  The machine that you are logging into is trying to do a
reverse DNS looking up your IP address.  Can it?  If not, then the
connection is hanging while the DNS request times out.  Check
/etc/nsswitch.conf and see that the hosts line lists files first, then
DNS.  And put the IP address of the client host into /etc/hosts on the

Also, you don't want to use telnet, but rather ssh, in most
circumstances.  Telnet is a security liability.


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