also sprach Osamu Aoki (on Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:38:10AM -0700):
> dd driver disks (3 of them for compact) to Floppy as originally designed
> like boot/root disks.  Good luck :-) 

well, i understood that, and i have my disks. but in the
installationprogram, there are two options:
  - preload modules (for use in initrd)
     takes modules in the root directory of the floppy
     i.e. floppy needs to be mounted
  - configure device drivers
     tries to mount the floppy
     then copies all modules to /target/lib/modules/...

but the driver-1.bin file can't be loop mounted nor can the disk be

if i strip the first 512 bytes, then the remainder is part of a gzip
file, but the installation program doesn't do anything with it.

sure, i can take a floppy with the modules on it, but there has to be
a better way that's debian native...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
women who want to be equal to men lack imagination.

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