> Hello Niko,
> I think that this is great thing to do. I am equally curious as to how to 
> adopt
> this on my server at home.
> If anyone has good comments on how best to do this, I would welcome the
> information tremendously.
> Just 2 additional things:
> 1. What if multiple users on my network have set up multiple POP3 accounts in
> the past (before the server was up) and wish to go this way, leaving their 
> mail
> OFF their POP3 accounts, but ON the home server? Can this still be doable? 
> Will
> they be able to send mail which has their POP3 email in the From: ?

  yes, you can get email from multiple accounts and you can set the
headers to whatever you want (except of some possible tempering by your
ISP, but then just get better ISP)

> 2. Would it be possible to implement some kind of IMAP account(s) on the 
> server,
> so the users just go through an IMAP capable account on their client stations,
> without having to download the mails from the home server to the client hard
> disk? I envision that a daemon would be pulling POP3 mails from the various
> accounts and putting into the respective IMAP accounts.

  that's exactly what I do, just have IMAP server and users can do all
their email using IMAP cleint (netscape, mutt, ...). some of them even
support disconnected mode (client does not have to be connected to IMAP
server all the time, sort of like newsreaders do)

> Would this setup hold any water? I apologise in advance if my questions reveal
> my ignorance. I AM IGNORANT. ;-)

  I am using exactly this setup (so that I can use the same mailboxes on
my home machine or when I view my email from work/elsewhere (use SSL
when viewing email remotely))


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