
First, thanks for your reply, and sorry for my last message about apt-move, I've
didn't see you've answered me in this mailing list thread.

> How's you're sources.list?

My sources.list looks like something like that :

deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib non-free

deb-src http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib

I'm creating the mirror on a machine using potato with hight bandwith (ADSL in
But I want to mirror the woody archive.

> You have to enter your local archive before the external sources, otherwise
> apt-move will download the whole archive from external everytime.

As I'm using potato on this machine, that's what I want.

> You have to
> enter all the sources which you want to mirror in you sources.list file with
> the appropriate dists.
But, If I add 'woody' on my sources.dist, my distrib will be updated to woody,
not potato ?
Is it ?

> Remember to run apt-get update before running apt-move mirror.
Really on a potato ?

> temporarily you need nearly the duplicate space cause apt-move first
> downloads the packages to cache and then afterwards moves it into the mirror
> hirarchy.

So did I compromised my potato distribution by using apt-move mirror for a woody

> Do you get any errors from apt-move like "Tried to dequeue fetching object"
> or something?

> If you have a dialup connection it may be that your provider kicked you off
> and apt-move aborted cause it was not possible to connect to the host.

No, I've got a fast connection. 130Kbytes/sec

> Are the packages-files generated? Can you access your local mirror correctly
> with dselect or apt?
They seem to be, my log file seems to say this, but I didn't try to use apt-get
on my potato machine for these woody packages.

 Wrote 825 entries to output Packages file.
Building: woody contrib Packages.gz
 !! Package iraf has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in `misc' !!
 !! Package iraf-noaobin has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in `misc'
 !! Package nestra has `Section: contrib/otherosfs', but file is in `games' !!
 !! Package x11iraf has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in `misc' !!

 ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
  ezmanage iraf-dev

 Wrote 33 entries to output Packages file.
Building: woody non-free Packages.gz
 ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
  eemu-client eemu-server gap4-gdat gap4-tdat libtao1.1 mpg123-alsa
  mpg123-esd mpg123-nas mpg123-oss-i486 zangband

 Wrote 57 entries to output Packages file.
Building: woody non-US/main Packages.gz
 ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
  arla arla-dev arla-modules-2.0.36 cfs gpasman gs-pdfencrypt
  libroxen-ldapmod unzip-crypt zmailer-ssl

 Wrote 9 entries to output Packages file.
Building: woody non-US/contrib Packages.gz
 Wrote 0 entries to output Packages file.
Building: woody non-US/non-free Packages.gz
 ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **

 Wrote 10 entries to output Packages file.

All done, exiting.

--- END LOG FILE ---

Thanks you really much for your reply,

With kind regards,

Gaƫl Pegliasco.

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